速報APP / 商業 / OmniPlan 4

OmniPlan 4



檔案大小:33.5 MB


版本需求:macOS 10.14 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


OmniPlan 4(圖1)-速報App

OmniPlan gives you the power to manage complexity by helping you view, edit, and organize projects. Effortlessly track your progress, manage your team, and continuously improve your processes with features including Gantt charts, network diagrams, resource leveling, collaboration, multi-project dashboards, milestones, and critical path highlighting.

Manage simple or complex projects—all at a glance.

Subscription Terms of Service: https://www.omnigroup.com/legal

OmniPlan 4(圖2)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖3)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖4)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖5)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖6)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖7)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖8)-速報App

OmniPlan 4(圖9)-速報App